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Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

Use Your Motivation to Your Advantage

By Anne Bachrach

The basic definition of motivation is "inspiration, stimulus or incentive." Motivation has also been called an internal need or desire that induces a person to take action. Interestingly, motivation can be either positive or negative, as well as a very subtle or of a more tangible quality. Understanding motivation, your own and that of others, is important. Once you learn what drives you, how and why, you will have more power over yourself. Some of the most basic motivations of human beings are quite obvious. People feel hungry and so they eat. People feel bored so they seek stimulation. People feel lonely, so they seek out companionship, perhaps even a romantic partner. There are also other perceivable motivations, such as the pursuit of wealth, an interest in hobbies and art, and the quest for spiritual fulfillment. Some of the more subtle motivations of people may include altruism, morality or a sense of familial responsibility.

Where Motivation Begins

Plunging deeper into the theory of motivation, we find there are several schools of thought as to how motivation begins. Some believe that aside from fulfilling base urges, motivation is based on a system of reward and reinforcement. When a parent rewards a child with something tangible or intangible (a gift or a happy tone of voice) then the child has learned that this specific action reaps benefits, they become trained. They associate positive meaning with the behavior. This is the same system used to train animals. When a child is young and has little logical comprehension, then this strategy may be effective. However, as he or she grows up, more progression is needed beyond positive or negative reinforcement.

Some believe this reward-based system eventually evolves into a system of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Some extrinsic rewards are still largely the same, such as praise from others or wealth; however, now more emphasis is given to intrinsic rewards or internal benefits. For example, the feeling of satisfaction that comes from helping others or the sense of accomplishment you get from completing a task or achieving a goal. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations become more complicated when you consider that there are motivations based on enjoyment as well as obligation. Obligation is motivation based on what a person thinks he or she ought to be doing. This is deeper motivation, one initially taught by a system of rewards, but one that also progresses into a logical process as the child grows older.

As the child grows into an adult they will find their place in a chosen community. This may be a work office, a church group, or a large family. As their knowledge and experience increases, they may find more altruistic motivations in themselves. Thought they might join a group with the hope of belonging, in time they adopt the mission of the group; and most organizations, professional or otherwise, have altruistic objectives.

Another system of motivation to consider is that of coercion, or the act of compelling one to act by force of authority. Most families do use some sort of system based on coercion, and society also sees coercion at the hands of larger authority figures, such as the government, school systems, and jail systems. Coercion is so impacting that it can often times override other systems of motivation. Interestingly, some individuals have found that using a type of coercion-based learning system on themselves has produced some favorable results. It's the basic principle of getting "tough on yourself", limiting your "reward" time based upon performance, and setting a rigid schedule that cannot be broken.

What Motivation Means To You

Ultimately, a person's motivation, wherever it comes from, will drive him or her to great success or greater failure. If you sense that your inner motivation causes negative effects, or inhibits you from trying to reach out for more, then perhaps it's time to reevaluate your system of learning. The most successful people in life are motivated. Motivation directly leads to a person taking action.

Usually, a person reacts to overwhelming motivation by setting goals. At first the goals are small but always heading in the same path. Next, the motivated person learns more about the subject of interest, while setting greater goals. Finally, the successful person finishes all projects as planned. This may be what separates the dreamers from the professionals. It's the motivation to see a plan through. Learn how to modify your motivating factors and how to capitalize on all opportunities. Enjoy the feeling you have when you apply your motivation and be even more successful in life.

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